Invoicing information

Söderlångvik gård ab: Museum, tourism

Söderlångvik gård ab, pdf-format (in Swedish)

Söderlångvik Manor / Föreningen Konstsamfundet (Apple gardens, forestry and lands)

Our business ID is: 0200196-3

Billing address for e-invoicing is: 003702001963

Transmitter/Operator code: Apix Messaging Oy (003723327487)

Please note that when sending e-invoices to our Apix address from Danske Bank Oyj, Handelsbanken, POP Bank or Savings Bank, you should send e-invoices to the following address: 003723327487 and operator code: DABAFIHH.

If you do not have the possibility to send e-invoices, we ask you to send invoices to the scanning service for supplier invoices.

Föreningen Konstsamfundet rf (Apix Scanning Service), PB 16112, 00021 LASKUTUS

or by e-mail:

The invoice itself must be included in the e-mail as a PDF attachment. An email may only contain one invoice. If the email has other attachments, they should be included as attachments to the invoice. Maximum size for email attachments is 2 MB. After the email is processed, the service will produce an automatic confirmation or error message sent to the sender’s email within 15 minutes.

PLEASE NOTE! Do not send any material other than invoices to the addresses mentioned above.

All other materials are sent to the postal address:

Föreningen Konstsamfundet r.f.,
Mannerheimvägen 18 6th floor, 00100 Helsinki


Söderlångvik Manor, Amos Andersonvägen 2, 25870 Dragsfjärd

Further information regarding invoicing is provided by