Peace manifestation
17.02.2024 11.00—17.00
Please join us in a manifestation for peace and friendship in the world, on Saturday, February 17 th at 12.00 at Söderlångvik Manor.
We challenge everyone on Kimitoön to participate in the construction of the Söderlångvik Peace and Friendship Artwork.
We want to build something beautiful together with you in response to the brutal wars going on in the world. The war in Ukraine has no end in sight, and the Gaza Strip is right now the most dangerous place in the world for a child to live.
We build when others destroy.
Fill a litre TetraPak with water and decorate as you wish. It can be natural materials, watercolours, flowers or a pretty napkin. Freeze your building blocks outdoors or in your freezer at home.
You can bring your building block to Söderlångvik Manor at a time that suits you best or no later than 17 February at 12.00 when the Peace and Friendship Manifestation begins.
The artwork will be built on the hill above the museum.

Program on Sat, Feb 17th at 12 o’clock noon:
Annika Jansson, Managing Director of the farm
Speeches for peace
Kristiina Tiainen, Children’s culture program Manager, Sagalund
Ville Laitinen from Luontoliitto and nature entrepreneur
Poems for peace
Written by pupils from Dalsbruks skola and Taalintehtaan koulu
Museum is open without entrance fee at 11-17.
The Glassgaraget is open 11-17, and you can enjoy hot dogs, buns, savoury pies, apple pie, hot apple juice, coffee/tea and of course the Manor’s own ice cream.
On the same day there will be an Afternoon Tea at the museum from 13.00 to 15.00. Pre-registration, price 25 €/person (three savoury and three sweet options, 2 € extra for gluten-free options).