Direct sales Glassgaraget
From our direct sales you can take a piece of Söderlångvik home with you. As one of Finland’s largest apple producers, we specialise in apple products such as apple jam and apple juice as well as honey from the farm’s own bees. You can find the shop in Amos Anderson’s beautiful caryatid decorated garage, now also known as Glassgaraget! (Eng. Ice Cream Garage)
Glassgaraget also houses our own Söderlångvik Glass ice cream bar where you can experience wonderfully fresh flavours. The ice cream comes in nine different apple-related flavours including apple & vanilla, apple & cinnamon biscuit, apple with mascarpone and raspberry and apple-mojito sorbet. The ice cream is also sold in Helsinki center.
In the shop you can also buy other local produce such as jewellery, textiles and artisan food products.
Opening hours:
2.9-30.9.2024 Mon-Fri 11-16.30 & Sat-Sun 11-17