
Environmental consciousness and sustainability are integral to everything we do at Söderlångvik Manor. This is reflected in our forestry operations, our apple cultivation, our visitor services, and our relations to our community.

Our forestry strategy defines a customised model for the manor’s forestry, which aims to work for increased sustainability. Special consideration is given to the nature’s diversity as well as carbon sequestration.

Among the methods and measures planned are continuous cover forestry, an increase in the area of fully protected forest areas, the reconfiguration of the size and shape of felling areas, the restoration of ditched peatlands, an increase in the proportion of deciduous trees and mixed forests, as well as the creation of new wetlands in the manor’s forest areas.

The strategy primarily aims at the period up to the year 2030.

Söderlångvik’s buildings are mostly heated with wood chips from its own forest. Söderlångvik uses solar panels with an output of 93 kWp.

Our apple farming follows the principles of IP cultivation (IPM) and our orchards are quality-certified according to Finland’s Quality Farm guidelines. The Quality Farm guidelines are general guidelines for produce farming in Finland. They ensure that the products are safe, that the production burdens the environment as little as possible and that the workers have good working conditions. 

Pruning is done with electric shears, and electric golf carts are used in the park and the apple orchards.

Twigs, branches and leaves in the park are collected and taken to the outermost areas, where they act as insect hotels until they rot. To promote biodiversity, the grass in the park is cut so that different plants and herbs have room to grow.