
Söderlångvik gård Quality Producer of the Year 2022


Inhemska Trädgårdsprodukter rf has named Söderlångvik Manor Quality Producer of the Year 2022 for fruit and berries!

The Kvalitetsgård (Eng. “quality farm”) guidelines are common guidelines for Finnish horticultural production. They exist to ensure that the products are safe, that production has as little impact on the environment as possible and that workers have good working conditions.

“The attention feels like a reward for the determined work we have done over the past 10 years. We have taken part in the industry’s training opportunities, become acquainted with modern orchards, storage and sorting technology. The rejuvenation and modernization of the cultivation itself began in 2011 and now the area cultivated according to the latest cultivation technology amounts to about 21 ha. “

“The work with cultivation, harvesting and sales is a team work where everyone has their important roles and areas of responsibility. The core gang has been the same throughout the years, but in addition there are many skilled helpers with whose help a good result can be achieved.”

Söderlångvik Manor head gardener Karin Arfman

More information:

The Odlingens Kvalitetsgård-audit is done every four years. The certificate is valid for two years from the auditing year. Two years after the audit, a self-assessment takes place and when it is approved, the company receives a new certificate that is valid for two years.